Q&A - part 1: Trivia for TRoN and the things that inspire my work as a creative person

Questions for me

Who’s your favourite graphic artist and why?

My favourite graphic artist is Wendy Pini, co-writer and illustrator of the American comic book series ElfQuest and part of the duo that created WaRP Graphics. Ever since I first read the series when I was a little girl, I was intrigued by the characters and fascinated by the World of the Two Moons the story takes place on. As a writer who has spent six years developing a fantasy story with different worlds, species, characters and plot lines, I have been stimulated by ElfQuest more times than I can count and I find myself coming back to it every once in a while to indulge in the fascinating beauty and storytelling that was set up by the Pinis. It is no secret that her work and her struggle to get ElfQuest off the ground and her perseverance in doing so has encouraged me to keep going on more than one occasion. The philosophies of ElfQuest are some that I have taken to heart and the characters and their struggles and themes influence me and my writing to this day.


Who are your favourite singers/bands and why?

My favourites usually change with the phase of the moon- not literally, but there’s lots of music that has been important to me at different stages in my life and it fluctuates depending on how I feel- and the phase of the moon apparen-. I listen to gothic or symphonic rock and metal the most, but my playlist is filled to the brim with all kinds of genres. Two bands that have kinda just always stuck around though, no matter what phase of my life I’m in, are Within Temptation and Evanescence, their songs speak to me like no other and Sharon den Adel and Amy Lee are two singers that undoubtedly inspire my own work as an artist. Currently, as of the date that I’m writing this, I’m in a phase where I listen to Citizen Soldier a lot, too, for the lyrics and topics of mental health.


Questions about my book series

If you’d have to give your main character a colour, which would it be and why?

Forest green, no doubt about it. If anything because it’s the colour of her fairy form, it’s my favourite colour and my entire website, channel and aesthetic are themed forest green, but also because it holds significance in regards to her name within the story. The name Ehrynn in human tongue doesn’t mean much of anything, but in the Realm of Magic it’s derived from the Elven words for green; “E’er” and the word for sprout; “Rhyn”- “E’er Rhyn”- “Ehrynn”, in the same way that E’er Ahl, the Elven planet, means Evergreen by putting “E’er” and “Ahl”; meaning “forever”, together.


What are some well known festivals in the au? Or any other big event that has an impact on the world your characters live in?

Well, I’m glad you asked. I’ve slightly touched upon this event in the first couple of chapters, but there’s this cultural phenomenon surrounding the Academies called the Samhain Fest that we’ll actually get to see take place in chapter 13 of the first book. It’s an ancient tradition dating nearly a thousand years back that’s organized by one of the four Academies every year in order of when they were founded. It’s a time for everyone to come together and to celebrate the traditions and fundamentals of each school of Magic. It’s a chapter I really look forward to, as it gives me room to explore the aforementioned Academy known as Graefthyn and also allows me to introduce some of the characters I’ve been dying to introduce.


On Silvea, there’s also this rite of kinds that’s initiated when a fairy first unfolds her wings. It’s a rite that ties into the customs of the elven world and more specifically the moon where the wood elves reside, as the rite serves as a fairy pledging her allegiance to the forest, to the protection of life and to stand in solidarity with the forestal kin that offers her protection and safety, which ties back into the collective feyen history of the elves and fairies in the story.


There are some other phenomena in the Realm like the Merloran cultural market or the Interconnectivity project that I wish I could talk about already, but that would spoil too much if I did.


What are some unusual habits your characters have?

Haha, well, to keep things relatively spoiler free, let's just take a look at a couple of the cultures introduced so far, like the Silveans. They have this habit of showing their love and affection towards others very openly- and it usually involves a lot of physical touch. One of those habits is to hold the other person's hands closely to your own chest to indicate that you consider them part of your heart, part of your family. They have an entire seperate communication style that revolves around touch and expressions and it sets them apart from other moons and planets surrounding them, much to the irritation of the Bythrithians.


Bythrithians tend to refrain from using elisions in their speech, claiming it would "obstruct communications and cause incertitude where none is of the essence"- this is also the reason they often use long and highly specific words, just to make sure everyone is clear on what exactly is meant by the speaker.


Keeping in mind that the main cast of the story is entirely made up of feyen creatures and therefore does not always follow Terran customs and societal rules, the fey are known to think and act very differently compared to what we'd consider normal, and their norms and values reflect that.


Due to their incredibly long lifespan, for one, they often have close bonds that transcend age gaps and that fulfill multiple roles at the same time, such in the way that miss Stirling is simultaneously miss Faewood's former student, her right hand, advisor and a closely valued friend.


I aim for the book series to challenge you to extend your thoughts and to get into the mindscape of these fey and their habits. Giving in to a little suspension of disbelief is certainly needed to read this through. In all honesty, they sometimes challenge me to do exactly that, as weird as that may sound, but I've come to trust on the world and characters that roam around in my mind and I intend to bring that raw, undefined world to life through my writing.



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